There is not too much I can say about this guy that hasn’t already been said. This kid somewhere along the way became this guy… this man who somewhere around 18 or 19 years old became not only my son… but my friend. So today all I can say is …….. I miss my sometimes-under-duress-partner-in-crime, co-movie buff, concert buddy, c0-defender-til-the-end Eminem fan, What-are-we-going-to-do-with-Alexa’s-bad-butt commiserater (Christian’s words), midnight-calling-“because-I-just-got-off-work-and-no-one-else-is -up-to-talk-to-mom”, and all around good guy.
Happy Birthday
We love and miss you…
- Defeats his opponents
Happy Happy Birthday to one of the most funny, witty, happy mischievous boys I have ever known and loved! We miss you sweet boy
Happy Birthday, Christian. Love and prayers to his family and friends.
Miss him so much! Happy birthday dear child
Happy Birthday Christian!