

Christian at SunsetMagnolia Son was created for a specific purpose and we appreciate anyone who wishes to join us on this journey as we expand the reach of Christian Shane Andreacchio’s legacy. Donating to our efforts is just one way that you can help us accomplish our goals, but it is an important one.

Imagine, if you will, the kids who have enough to eat and a roof over their heads, but nothing to make them feel special about themselves. Nothing to have pride in and nothing to call their own. Without self-esteem, a child is not complete and is at risk for so many behaviors as they try to fill the void within.

100% of all contributions go directly to the children we help. We have no paid employees and we have no overhead costs.

We are working with passion and we will do everything we can to make the lives of children better and help them feel good about who they are and to find their true potential. And we welcome your thoughtful gift because your donation helps us help more kids and in the end we believe that by changing the destiny of one child we can change the world.

Christian saw the world as an adventure and so do we. Magnolia Son is a great adventure for all of us and we look forward to making this journey with you by our side. Thank you for your assistance.